I think the new generation of solar cells should be nanocrystal solar cells. Based on references, nanocrystal solar cells is cheap, effective, easy-to-make and easy-to-use (ultra-thin film shape)[1]. Compare with organic solar cells, They have an advantage over in about being stable in the air.
Cadmium-selenide (CdSe) and cadmium-telluride (CdTe) were synthesized in nanocrystaline rod shaped on a conductive glass substrate [1]. Due to nanocrystal materials and quantum structure, the life time of electrons much more higher[2]. CdTe has 1.5 eV bandgap which near the range of high absorptivity and CdSe has 1.7 eV bandgap.
Nowadays, nanocrystal solar cells or quantum dot solar cells receive a high attention to improve the method and materials to obtain the well performance.
What's your opinion?
[1] http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/MSD-nanocrystal-solar-
[2] A.J. Nozik, Physica E 14 (2002) 115 – 120.
[3] http://www.lbl.gov/msd/PIs/Alivisatos/03/03_9_tetrapods.pdf